Aug 7, 2020
Changing rooms re-opening
The club's changing rooms will be re-opening for use by members from this Saturday, 8th August. These were originally closed as part of...

Jul 22, 2020
Re-opening 25th July: members' guide
We are delighted to confirm that the club will be re-opening this Saturday, 25th July. We ask anyone planning to visit the club to please...

Jul 22, 2020
Committee minutes - 20th July
The minutes from the committee meeting held on Monday 20th July can be found here. The main topic of conversation was once again...

Jul 19, 2020
Members' survey results
Many members will be aware that between 11th and 13th July we carried out a survey of members regarding re-opening. Key themes covered...

Jul 14, 2020
Committee minutes - 13th July
The committee held its most recent meeting on 13th July, dedicated to discussing the re-opening of the club on 25th July. In the...

Jul 9, 2020
Coronavirus update: potential re-opening 25th July
The government has today announced that gyms and indoors sports facilities will be permitted to re-open on 25th July 2020. We expect that...

Jun 21, 2020
Coronavirus update - 21 June
PS: we are e-mailing these updates to all members for whom we hold e-mail addresses. If you wish to receive these updates via e-mail,...

Jun 3, 2020
Coronavirus update - 3 June
Update from Mark Hildred (chairman) Dear Member, I hope you and your family are safe and well. As you will of course be aware, our club...

Mar 20, 2020
Coronavirus update
Boston Squash and Racketball Club has closed until further notice following the government's announcement earlier today that gyms and...

Mar 20, 2020
Club bar redecorated
The club bar is looking brighter than ever following a redecoration. It comes on top of lots of other improvements to the club's...