Coronavirus update - 21 June

PS: we are e-mailing these updates to all members for whom we hold e-mail addresses. If you wish to receive these updates via e-mail, please sign up on the 'Newsletter' page.
You may also be interested to read our update of 3rd June, covering finances, membership fees and some other items. Click here.

As of 21st June, the club remains closed as required by the government. However, this week we wanted to share with you a brief update on potential re-opening, some workout ideas for while we're closed, and some light relief in the form of the club's annual summer quiz - we can't hold this in person this year, but have created an online edition!
Potential re-opening
The government has recently announced that grassroots sports may be able to return from early July. As England Squash's latest update (here), notes, what this means for squash is unclear - however we all hope that we may be able to re-open in some form in the coming weeks or months. Whilst we do not have any more information on potential dates, the committee are now actively looking into how we will be able to operate the club in a way which keeps everyone safe, and have already taken steps such as procuring sanitising stations with hand gel.
Workout ideas
Whilst we all know nothing will make up for being able to charge around the court, England Squash's Facebook page contains lots of videos showing you home circuits and workouts, as well as other tidbits such as interviews with some of the top players in the country. We would recommend checking it out, here!
Summer quiz
Sadly, the 'Big Boston Summer Quiz' organised by Pete Andrews will not be able to take place this year. However, Pete has kindly let us know what questions he would have asked us - and you can try your hand at these in online form here. We've used the online Sporcle platform, which shows you all 38 questions at once: simply type the answer to as many as you think you know within 15 minutes! There will be no prizes beyond bragging rights once we're back at the club...
That's all for now
We hope we will hear more from the government and England Squash in the coming days and weeks regarding potential re-opening, and naturally will continue to keep everyone informed as quickly and fully as we can.