Upcoming tournaments

We just wanted to let you know about a couple of competitions coming up elsewhere in the squash world, which might be of interest:
Lincolnshire Junior County Championships - 4/5th September
The county junior squash championships are being held at Lindum Squash Club in central Lincoln on 4th/5th September. This could be a great opportunity for any juniors at the club to gain a taste of competitive squash. Although this is a competitive event, there will be a friendly and welcoming atmosphere with nothing to fear, and it would be great to see a good contingent from Boston!
For more details or to enter, please see here. Entries close at 5pm on Wednesday. You can also contact Nigel Jubbs (who coordinates junior squash at a county level) with any questions on njubbs@hotmail.co.uk.
Duffield Open (graded event) - 18/19th September
This is being organised by Millie Tomlinson who some of you will know has been a great supporter of our own professio
nal Boston Open each year. The event is being held at Duffield Squash Club, a good squash club in a nice part of the world. It is a graded tournament for all ages. As a graded event, you will be placed in a category with other people of similar abilities. We are told that the tournament is aimed at those with an ability level to serve and have rallies of more than a few shots. Everyone will be guaranteed three games over the weekend.
For more details or to enter, email duffieldopen@gmail.com.